See our article in Variety
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Want to pitch us?
RASA invests in filmmaking teams working on motion picture projects that 1) contain female and/or underrepresented protagonists, 2) in which the main producer or director identify as female, 3) have positive or realistic portrayals of Muslims, and 4) is being produced by a North American-based production company.
RASA’s investments are not grants. We invest in a limited number of projects each year. If we invest in your project, we will retain profit participation and rights to invest in derivative projects. Projects can apply for partial or full funding for their projects.
The types of motions pictures we fund including projects:
– with a strong team
– in which the producer(s) and director have worked together in the past
– with clear and attainable budget
– with clear timeline for production
– that have a potential for winning awards
– that have a strong likelihood of being developed into derivative projects
– that have some cast members attached
– that have a clear path to full funding (if we are only part of the budget)
– Please apply via this form
– We currently review projects on a quarterly basis
– Decisions can take up to three months
– If selected to move forward, you will be required to pitch at least once
– If selected for investment, terms and investment amount is negotiated on a case-by-case basis in conjunction with the applicant